Gravity issue
There are differences between the earth’s gravity and what is available on Mars. The Mars gravity is put at 38 percent to what is available on earth. When you are on Mars you are going to weigh less. The importance of gravity is that it has a lot to do with gases and heat movement. It also implies that cold air is denser than hot air. Air circulation here is through a convection method. The implication is that the circulation of air on Mars will be problematic because of the problem of the convection movement of the air. This has to impede the ability to support life especially plant life.
The plant will depend on carbon dioxide for its photosynthesis as well as water release through the leaves. This is the transpiration process. Transpiration performs important functions in the survival of plants. The first is that it makes the leaves surfaces become cool and well as makes it possible for nutrients to be absorbed from the soil to the plant. These things must take place before plants can survive or grow. Whether it is high gravity or low gravity, it implies the lives of plants.
Plant transpiration is very important for the survival of plants. Since there is a reduced gravity on Mars it has its own implication in terms of plant cultivation on the planet. It can affect it in different ways. The first is that it is going to limit plant growth on Mars. Secondly, it is going to reduce or limit the nutrient intake of plants which are critical for their survival and growth. The other is that it is going to limit the temperature regulation of plants. If there are ways of coming around these three problems, then one can say that plants can grow on Mars.
Safety issue
The other concern that one must deal with as regards growing plants on Mars is the issue of safety. This has to issue with the composition of elements available on the Martian atmosphere which is different from what is available on earth in terms of composition. Oxygen level is going to increase as the plants mature and increases photosynthesis. There is danger here because it can cause a fire outbreak. It is known that Mars planet is underexplored and the oxygen venting system is not at par to the level to help to keep the oxygen level at bay at least without venting the nitrogen. This is required because air pressure is needed to breathe and be able to live. There are two possible options available here and one is to allow to suffocate or burn to death. This is another reason that makes it difficult to grow plants on Mars.
Any attempt to grow plants on Mars would demand a lot of resources especially new technology and these are currently not available.
So far, water is the most important item that can be used by man and plants available on Mars. However, the availability of water can be reassuring but water is not the only thing needed to grow plants and support life.
This is an unbelievably bad article. It is poorly written and contains factual errors. I sugest the author looks for another occupation
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