Conditions on Mars for humans are not easy and the same thing applies to plants. This simply shows that mars are not our natural home and to turn it into a natural home to be able to cultivate plants on it is a complicated task. This does not mean that it is not impossible to do. It is possible with the aid of science and technology. Already several advancements were made in this area and it is expected that within the next few decades, it would be possible for humans to grow plants on Mars under a controlled condition. When that it turns, the possibility of moving humans to Mars would become possible because people living on that planet would need to be sustained.
The hope however is on synthetic biology which is one of the fastest-growing fields in science. It makes it possible for a lot of things to happen with the combination of the best of computer science, DNA science as well as engineering principles. Humans are looking for the perfect ways of improving the functions of living organisms. This new science is leading the way in discovering the kinds of foods and plants to be cultivated on the new planet once humans land there. The technology has continued to progress and one can take precision genetic engineering as well as automation system and the way now points to biofoundies.
It is expected with technology, humans would find ways of producing food on mars. This means that plants have to grow on mars if the right conditions are put in place. As of now, conditions existing on the planet can at best be described as hostile to plants and human life. With the way technology is going, a conducive atmosphere may likely be put in place for the substance of plants life on Mars. However, it is doubtful whether that can be achieved to the level plants and human lives are sustained on earth. It is a work in progress.
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This is an unbelievably bad article. It is poorly written and contains factual errors. I sugest the author looks for another occupation
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