Are you hoping to forge a successful career in Australia’s agricultural industry? From managing large-scale farms to pioneering cutting-edge research, Australia’s agricultural industry provides numerous high-paying jobs suitable for individuals interested in working on the land. Not only can the best paying agricultural jobs in Australia provide financial rewards, but they can also have a meaningful effect on food production and sustainability across Australia.
Farm work is available throughout Australia, with different regions offering seasonal jobs in different ways. The ideal time to find work in northern tropical regions is between March and October when pineapples, bananas, and strawberries are at their prime.
Agriculture plays an integral role in Australia’s economy, providing 93% of domestic food consumption and exporting over $30 billion worth of goods annually.
Agricultural Economist
Agricultural economists utilize economic analysis and research to enhance the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of agricultural production. Their work may involve visiting farms or stockyards directly; office-based work collaborating on large-scale projects with consultants or other economists; traveling for research; as well as conducting large-scale studies, writing situation and outlook reports or briefing papers for commodity procurement, providing financial advice or offering market advice.
Australian agriculture is an integral component of its economy and employment sector, providing jobs for countless Australians. Agriculture encompasses a diverse set of skills and abilities required by Australia’s farmers who employ sheep shearing techniques and grain and vegetable farming techniques among others to increase land productivity while creating innovative new products while overseeing pests, weeds, soil quality issues and water issues on their properties.
Whoever wishes to pursue a career in agriculture may benefit from earning a degree in either forestry or agricultural sciences. Such degrees typically cover topics related to plant-animal relationships, weather effects on agriculture and economics of food supply systems – as well as provide insight into global food supplies. A bachelor’s degree can prepare individuals for roles such as food processing, animal care and crop production in this industry.
Farm Manager
Farm managers oversee the daily operation and profitability of farms to ensure they operate efficiently and profitably, often working in animal or crop production and can develop strategies for maximum yield. Agricultural farms may be operated either through management companies or single-owner farmers and must comply with Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) regulations for safe, high-quality products farmed in an eco-friendly way.
Farm managers play an active role in all aspects of farming from harvesting to processing products, from harvesting and planting through to harvesting and processing products, managing any associated businesses and staff, as well as overseeing any associated businesses and staff management. It can be a highly demanding position requiring an in-depth knowledge of farming practices such as livestock breeding and stock health management, soil management, harvesting planting harvesting weed control sand gravel extraction irrigation fertilisation fertilization pesticide application etc.
Agricultural Manager salaries vary based on experience and education levels; those holding certificates or diplomas in Agriculture should expect an average annual salary of around AU$53,000 while those with over 20 years’ experience can see that number increase to an estimated average annual income of AU$105,200; this estimate does not take bonuses into account nor profit sharing arrangements and should only be taken as an indication.
Sustainable Agriculture or Improve Food Security
Pursuing a career in sustainable agriculture or improving food security can be extremely rewarding, making agriculture one of Australia’s largest industries, contributing 12 percent of economic activity and employing over 1.6 million Australians. You could find yourself working in various fields such as food production, bioenergy generation, supply chains, or agribusiness.
An agricultural engineer designs machinery and equipment used on farms. They can help make farming more efficient while assessing its environmental impact, among other duties. Usually, you’ll require at least a bachelor’s degree in either agricultural or biological engineering before being eligible to practice as one.
An average annual agricultural economist salary is around $86,000. These professionals act as market examiners, business guides and advisors for clients investing in land. In essence, they manage everything related to agriculture from creating estimates for potential clients looking to buy it to appraising its value.
If you enjoy working with people, this could be the ideal career path for you. Land surveyors are responsible for overseeing compliance with land usage laws as well as handling intellectual property disputes relating to land.
if you are interested in Sustainable Agriculture or Improve Food Security Jobs in Australia Apply Now
Mildura in Victoria is a destination known as Victoria Fruit & Vegetable Producer and draws backpackers. With its variety of climate, Mildura offers year-round farm work opportunities – with November through April being ideal. Here, apples, pears, cherries and tomatoes can all be harvested. Alternatively, work at one of Stanthorpe Vineyards nearby, south of Queensland.
Agricultural Engineer
Agricultural engineers are scientists who use their skills to make farms more efficient. Their projects range from designing machinery and equipment, improving water usage on farms, assessing environmental impact assessments and working directly with farmers on finding ways to produce crops more efficiently. It’s an ideal profession for people who are keen on using their scientific expertise for good in society.
Agriculture is an expansive industry and there are numerous jobs available within it. From direct farm roles to agribusiness positions and government jobs, you can find these positions both rurally and urbanly – the highest-paying jobs being those directly related to working on farms.
Salary Expert provides those interested in agriculture with an online database for discovering more. Users can access frequently occurring salaries for specific roles; for an agricultural engineer, the most typical starting salary can range between 48,200 AUD to 49,200 AUD with increments averaging around 8 percent every 19 months – making this an excellent option for anyone wanting a higher pay packet than national averages.
Agricultural Technician
Australian agriculture is an integral component of its economy. Australia is known as an exporter of wool and wine production and also exports a wide array of other agricultural goods. Australia boasts one of the leading agricultural industries worldwide; producing wool and wine are two major commodities exported abroad by Australian businesses; with jobs available ranging from working directly with crops to providing support services – typically employing skilled people that boast excellent salaries when employed within agriculture.
Agriculture workers fall into five main categories, which are as follows: crop laborers and farm-workers, livestock laborers/farm workers, animal breeders/breeders, agricultural equipment operatorss/operators and farmers and agricultural managers. Some jobs within these categories can be extremely physically demanding – particularly seasonal farmworkers – while others require advanced qualifications like an undergraduate degree in agriculture or related subjects.
No matter if it’s on a large-scale or family farm, Australia provides many opportunities for individuals looking for agricultural jobs to pursue an agriculture-related profession. While qualifications will depend on your desired job role, typically an undergraduate degree in agribusiness or agriculture is sufficient for entry-level roles while more advanced degrees such as master’s or doctorates may also be necessary in certain cases. Working in agriculture often results in flexible scheduling with high job satisfaction levels while offering access to modern machinery as well as benefits such as free accommodation and vehicle use among many benefits offered in Australia.
Fisheries Biologist
Fisheries biologist jobs in Australia typically offer competitive salaries, with entry-level positions typically starting at around AUD 65,000 annually. With experience and qualifications coming together, earning potential can increase considerably; senior fisheries biologists can often command salaries over AUD 100,000! Australia’s expansive coastlines and abundance of marine resources providing ample opportunity for career growth as well as financial rewards in this field.
Location can also play an influential role in salary levels for fisheries biologists in Australia. Working in remote or regional locations could provide additional perks, including allowances or higher pay packages to attract talent to these more challenging but equally rewarding environments. Thus, fisheries biologist jobs offer not only attractive remuneration packages but also diverse work settings tailored specifically to individual preferences and lifestyle choices.
Assessment & Monitoring; Fisheries Queensland; Fisheries and Forestry; Nambour or Cairns
Working within Impact Assessment and Management, Fisheries Queensland You will be a part of the management of habitats for fish and resources for fisheries within the review of development proposals and the examination of relevant plans and instrumentation in Queensland.
Information about the job
- Help in the identification of potential impacts from development plans on freshwater and marine fisheries resources, such as rivers that allow fish to pass through and marine plants.
- Assist in the selection and negotiation of lower impact alternatives for development plans.
- Evaluate the applications for legislative approvals which impact on the fisheries resources. Provide written suggestions of the conditions that must be met to ensure either approval or denial for the request.
- Write comments, reports, letters as well as deliver formal and informal talks, or presentations.
- Conduct inspections of the site prior to work on proposals for development and monitoring the impact of approved developments that have been completed.
- Help with the preparation and review of suggestions for plans and instruments for the management of habitats for fish and resources for fisheries.
For further details for more information, please go to the description of the position.
This selection and recruitment process will create an applicant pool who are considered for releasing of various opportunities as a Fisheries Biologist in Nambour as well as Cairns within Fisheries Queensland during periods of time off over in the coming 12 months.
Please include on your application which job location you’re applying for.
The application must be up to date for 12 months.
Apply Now. Also, Check More Agricultural jobs in Australia Here
Hi li love farming and can work long hours I’m from Papua New Guinea