Is it possible to plant in July?
Despite hardy conditions experienced across the United States in July, there are certain plants that you can sow and harvest by end of September to early October {late summer to early autumn}. Most of these plants thrive and yield bountiful harvests because they are hardy edibles that cannot faint or wilt in the summer heat. Like, Herbs and Vegetables are types of hardy edibles that can be sown and harvested within 30 days and afterward.
Therefore, it would be significant to confirm first before concluding what type of vegetables or herbs you can sow Plant in July depending on your zone’s climatic conditions. Below is the list of plants you may consider to utilize in your small kitchen garden or container garden according to or depending on your zone. They include:
Zone 3
For those who are in Zone 3 during July, the weather condition is cool and the growing season is very short. Therefore, it would be significant for you to consider planting cool weather season crops and produce harvest within 60-75 days because as the days fly the temperature increases to read negative. You might consider the following crops:
• Radishes
The hot extreme temperature experienced in Zone 3, still Radishes can thrive well in that condition. Besides the Zone 3 July weather conditions radishes can germinate from seed and grow at a super speed and get sweet harvest within 28 days.
• Turnips
These root vegetables can be sown from mid or late July and harvest bountifully within the time frame of 60 days for purple turnips, while 28 days for hybrid turnips.
• Beets and Carrots
Within 60 days you will be consuming beets and carrots. Nevertheless, you may begin harvesting beet leaves because they are also edible. They flourish well when sown from mid-summer since they withstand little frosting.
• Broccoli and Cabbage
Broccoli and Cabbage can also thrive well if you either sow or transplant them and sufficiently water them they can survive through the warm conditions and produce a tastier harvest. Sow in early July because the warm soil is the best conducive condition to enhance faster growth and they will mature in the cool fall temperature.
• Kohlrabi
These crunchy vegetables are ready to be harvested within 50-60 days from the sowing date. They can tolerate slight or light frost and the daily morning sunshine energy is sufficient to enhance its rapid growth. Therefore, do your best to start sowing it in the mid-summer.
• Snow Peas
Since they thrive well in spring, Snow peas are hardy enough to survive through summer heat and produce about half of what you could get from spring harvest. Prepare your garden by the end of June sow Snow Peas in early July and enjoy your harvest within 70-80 days. But it would help for you to consider planting double the quantity of seeds you sow during spring in July, for you to harvest an equivalent amount of spring harvest.
• Leafy Greens
Leafy greens such as Lettuce, Parsley, Cilantro, Spinach, Swiss chard, Kale, Broccoli, and Arugula can also thrive well in Zone 3 and start harvesting some within 25 days from the sowing date. Plant the seedlings in the Mid-summer and by fall you harvest sweet produce the warm temperature makes them grow faster and mature with a bountiful harvest.
Zone 4

Root vegetables like beets, carrots, and turnips, can thrive well for a second planting season of the year in Zone 4 which includes the Southern New England Northern Midwest states. Moreover, heat-loving plants would also be preferable, however, since they can’t withstand frost you should consider sowing plants that can germinate from seed and produce harvest within frost-free days or before winter arrives. They include:
• Cucumbers
Early July would be the best time to consider sowing the Cucumbers and by early you will be enjoying the labor of your sweat. You may begin to harvest after 50 days, but to avoid the bitter taste or flavor it would help if you start harvesting after 70 days from the planting date.
• Sweet Corn
Sweet corn depends on the variety or breed, therefore in Zone 4, it would be preferable to plant a sweet corn breed variety that can mature within 60 days from the sowing date. Early July is not too late for you to sow sweet corn seeds and by early September is ready on the table. They do well in spring conditions, but if you missed the first planting season, July would be the greatest opportunity you should not miss.
• Leafy Greens
Lettuce, Spinach, Kale, and Swiss chard are some of the best examples of greens that are hardy to withstand the wilting summer heat. Within three weeks if late, spinach and kale would be your delicacy and within 60 days Swiss chard is ready to enrich you with anti-oxidant nutrients in your system. For Lettuce, it would be advisable to provide shade and incorporate drip irrigation to keep them healthy.
• Garlic
Garlic is also a hardy crop that can withstand the mid-summer heat and thrive well through winter until the next summer. Therefore, plant them in your kitchen garden either from early or mid-July and still enjoy the labor in the coming days.
• Winter squash
Winter squash being among the late bloomers plants, can also thrive well and be ready for harvest into fall. Since they cannot withstand frost it would help if provide row covers to keep them off.
• Bush beans
Bush beans being among the green beans family can also thrive well when you preferably sow them from early July and within 45-65 days you are free to harvest. However, this depends on the breed and also ensures you sow within the frost-free days and it matures before early freeze sets in because they cannot withstand cold temperatures. To speed up seed germination, wet the soil sufficiently before sowing.
• Bulldog collard
Bulldog collard is another hardy plant that resists bolt-summer heat and is also cold tolerant for the early freeze-fall weather conditions. Within 50 days from the day you sow the seed in the garden, your craving for the collard greens will come to an end.
Zone 5 to 6
Zone 5 and 6 include; the Midwest and Northwest of the Pacific Ocean where summer temperature is mild with late summer frost. The mild temperature experienced in midsummer in zones 5 and 6 provides an optimal condition that favors leafy greens and herbs can thrive well. Below are plants worth the zone 5 and 6 July’s condition towards early spring:
• Lettuce
A wide variety of Lettuce cannot withstand the summer heat, therefore, for those who are impatient to wait for the cool season to arrive, you should consider planting lettuce varieties that are bolt-summer heat resistant. However, to harvest sweet produce ensure you water them sufficiently.
• Spinach
Since spinach can withstand cool fall weather conditions, you may consider planting the spinach from mid-July or mid-summer. After 5 weeks or as soon as it turns rosette in color with 6 six leaves, the tender green leaves are edible. Even if cool fall condition arrives you will still be able to harvest its leaf after a period of 7-10 days.
• Kale
Kale is also another hardy plant that can rapidly grow when you sow it in the midsummer temperature and still produce a bountiful harvest of sweet leaves when the light frost of the fall touches its leaves. If you consider using suckers, be sure to start enjoying the product within 30-40 days, but avoid planting too late because they cannot withstand a heavy frost.
• Green Onions
Instead of planting seeds, regrow green onions. Regrown green onions will significantly grow rapidly from the Mid-summer heat condition because they hardy enough to withstand hardy conditions and by early fall they will be ready for harvest. Moreover, you should be keen or careful how you harvest them to allow them to regrow for you to enjoy your labor through the fall because they can also withstand frost.
• Root Vegetables
Carrots, Beets, and Turnips can burst out when you sow them in early July and within 50-60 days the produce will be ready for harvesting or for the market for those who intend to start cash crop farming. For turnips, the condition will favor its growth because the flea beetle population would gradually slow down allowing Turnips to grow rapidly and can also withstand the fall cold-hardy condition. Therefore, for a meaningful harvest for those who are living in climatic zone 5 and 6, this is the best season to prepare a large space.
• Cabbage
For those who love salad in zone 5 and 6, prepare your kitchen garden in late June and plant cabbage seedlings in early July. Then early fall the heads would be firm by the feel of your hands, meaning it has substantially ripened for consumption. However, it would help to prefer planting cabbage seedlings variety that can withstand mid-summer heat and light frost of the early fall.
• Arugula
Within 30 days Arugula is ready for harvest because they grow rapidly under the shade and by early fall you will be harvesting the peppery leaves if you plant in late July.
Zone 7 to 8
Zone 7 and 8 covers sections of the West Coast, East Coast, and the South of the United States, and the weather condition from mid-summer is relatively hotter than from zone 2-6. Heat-loving crops would do best and yield meaningful harvest if you plant before the first frost arrives. Therefore, you should mark your garden calendar very carefully. Below are some of the heat-loving crops:
• Tomatoes
It’s never too late to plant tomatoes from Early July and expects beautifully ripened tomatoes within 50-60 days especially Goodhearted and Valentine tomatoes seed varieties before frost arrives. Most of the tomatoes mature within 60 days, but for Valentine’s breed, they can withstand warm temperatures of the mid-summer and grow faster in hot soil provided you sufficiently water your garden.
• Zucchini
Throughout one season one Zucchini plant can yield 6 to 10 pounds. These fast-growing plants can be planted in early July and by the end of August, your first or second season zucchini will be ready for market. Since they can withstand warm temperatures and ensure you provide enough water and shade them in the evening to enhance them to grow rapidly for a good harvest.
• Sweet Pepper
The sweet pepper varieties thrive well in hot summer conditions, to avoid the frustration of waiting for a long time for sweet pepper to produce. It would help to plant the sweet pepper seeds in early July because their flowers blossom well in the heat and ripen nicely under the sun. Therefore, you should ensure the time of its maturity arrives before the fall that is within 60-90 days.
• Coriander
Make use of a small outdoor garden by planting Coriander. The mid-summer temperature of July provides a favorable condition for the coriander leaves to grow rapidly and within 30 days you will be harvesting your first leaf harvest, then after 90 days, the seeds will be ready for harvest. Since coriander is sensitive to frost you carefully prepare earlier for your sowing date for you to harvest the produce before fall arrives. Instead of waiting for 90 days for the seed to mature, you should consider planting “Leisure”, a variety of coriander that matures within 50-60 days.
• Pumpkin
The zone 7 and 8 warm temperature also provides a conducive environment for a pumpkin seed to germinate faster and thrive well. Early July would the best time for you to consider planting it because the warm temperature will help with the drainage and also help to control pests. Keep watering the pumpkin sprouting seeds and within 80-100 days you get a sweet harvest.
• Leafy Greens
Leafy greens are essential for daily consumption because they are rich in vitamins and minerals making them a vital delicacy. Most of these hardy plants are ready to be harvested after 5-6 six weeks and they can be continuously be harvested after periodic of one week after each harvest, the best examples include spinach and kale. Moreover, if you prefer Collard, definitely sowing Collard seed early July, then within 60-75 days be sure to expect an average harvest of these edible leaves and can be continuously harvested any time.
Zone 9 to 10
Zone 9 and 10 cover the coastal areas of Florida and California and state in the southern region. These areas experience blazing heat summer temperature which provides a favorable condition for seeds to germinate, especially the ones that mature in a cooler climate. Therefore, planting in mid-summer you will harvest healthy produce from your kitchen garden. Below are plants you might consider planting in July in climatic zone 9 and 10.
• Okra
The hot summer weather is the best and favorable condition for the okra seed to rapidly germinate. And within 50-65 days the seed pods will be ready for harvest. Okra cannot withstand frost because it is not hardy against fall cool weather and frost. Hence, consider sowing the seed in early July for a substantial harvest provided you sufficiently water the plant.
• Southern Peas
This is also another plant that also thrives well in warm soil if planted in the mid-summer and within 60-90 days the produce is edible. However, you should seek seed varieties that can grow faster and survive the early frost.
Most of the listed plants in zone 7 and 8 can successfully produce a healthy harvest in zone 9 and 10. They include:
• Leafy greens
• Cucumbers
• Tomatoes
• Pumpkin
• Sweet corn
• Green beans
• Summer Squash, like Zucchini, crookneck, patty pans
• Sweet Peppers
• Cauliflower
Zone 11 to 13
Zone 11 to 13 experiences Tropical temperatures combined with moisture which makes it the best and favorable condition for many plants to thrive and yield excess produce. Zone 11 to 13 mostly covers Hawaii, Key West, most Southern Florida, and Biscayne Bay. The following plants can do well in these areas:
• Any Perennial herbs
Any perennial herb can be planted in the midsummer in zone 11 to 13 because of the Tropical condition that favors their rapid growth and abundant produce.
• Watermelon
The hot and moist tropical condition also favors the Melon to grow faster, especially the midsummer heat condition of early July would be the best time for you to plant the watermelon seedling and within 75-90 days the produce will be ready for market. However, it depends on the variety of seeds you used because there are over 100 cultivated varieties of watermelons that can do well in zone 11 to 12.
• Eggplant
Since June is always the best time to plant eggplant, then early July is never too late to plant eggplant in zone 11 to 13. Since the tropical climate favors its growth, within 100 to 120 days the produce is ready for harvest, depending on the variety of seed you used. But if you regrow the transplant within 65-80 days you start reaping the fruits of your hard labor and sweat.
Other plants you may consider plant in zone 11 to 13 includes
• Leafy greens
• Zone 3-10 plant in July

Your State Zone determines the geographical condition of your area which also has a significant impact on the type of plant you can plant in mid-summer July weather conditions. Therefore, the list above will help you to decide what plant to sow and expect to harvest the produce. The significance of confirming first your zone is because most of the plants cannot withstand harsh cold fall conditions, hence it will help you to plan a calendar when to plant and harvest by early fall.